A dehumidifier is a great appliance

Last October, my hubby Toby and I decided to host a big party for friends, family along with neighbors.  Both of us went through a good deal of effort and expense, working on our lawns and gardens, renting a tent in addition to chairs, and finally buying a bunch of beer with food.  The day before the party, it started to rain surprisingly hard. Despite the rain, there was no relief from the heat or the humidity. Both of us realized that we’d undoubtedly end up with our guests inside the house.  It would definitely get drastically crowded as well as overheated. The interior was already a bit too toasty from all of our baking. To make sure our home was as comfortable as possible, we lowered the thermostat setting by more than 2 degrees in addition to cranked up the fan speed on the air conditioner.  For a couple of hours, the air conditioner ran very well and the loft was comfortably cool. Then, quickly, the cooling system quit. Both of us checked the batteries in the thermostat, the air filter, the fuse box, and neither of us could figure out the problem. Toby then took the entire air conditioner apart, confident he could handle the repair.  Unfortunately, he couldn’t figure out the issue, in addition to he couldn’t put the air conditioner back together. We ended up having to call a Heating and A/C contractor then ended up paying extra for emergency service. The air conditioner required more than 2 replacement parts, however the contractor had difficulty locating them. Both of us were unquestionably relieved when he managed to get the cooling system working wonderfully before our party.  The loft was perfectly cool for our guests, and everyone seemed to have a nice time.

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