All I Need is Coffee and AC

People often ask me why I’m not married yet, I simply reply “there’s no need.” It may sound crazy to most people, but I love the single life. I can do what I believe is right without having to have someone else to have to consolidate with. I am free to do the things that I love to do just about anytime of the year. It’s really a great life. When my single friends ask how I can be so happy when they are sitting at home moping in their beds, I just tell them that there are two things that I must have in order to be happy. They are coffee, and air conditioning. Of course, I’m being facetious because these two things don’t really bring happiness, but there is nothing like a good cup of joe while sitting on the couch in a cool, air conditioned room. It’s hard to enjoy life when you’re tired all of the time. Thankfully, coffee gives me the energy I need to get through the day. It’s also hard to enjoy life if you’re super hot and miserable everywhere you go. This is where air conditioning comes into play. One of my best friends asked me why I didn’t save money and buy an older car like she did, and I told her it was because I wanted to make sure that I had air conditioning that worked really well and was completely reliable. It’s amazing how much it can ruin your day when you have to ride in a vehicle with no air conditioning in the middle of July. Although people may think I’m crazy, I am super happy being single with my coffee and air conditioner by my side.

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