When the due date came for my sister, I was so excited to be an uncle! My sister is my only sibling, so we have grown up to be very close over the years. When my family arrived at the hospital, I could hardly sit still I was so excited for the baby to finally arrive. After about fifteen minutes of lounging around in the waiting room, it began to feel like a sauna in there. I went and asked one of the nurses if they could turn up the air conditioner, but she said that couldn’t happen. Apparently the heating and cooling system had overheated and broke down, and would not be fixed up for a few hours minimum. What a drag! I didn’t want to leave because I didn’t want to miss out on the delivery, but I also didn’t want to continue to sweat through my shirt. I decided to wait it out and just pray that this baby came sooner than later. After another hour of waiting, and no word on how labor was going, I made the decision to run to the local HVAC service company and buy a mini portable heating and cooling system to bring it down to the hospital waiting room. Oh man, was that a smart idea! Everyone in the waiting room was super thankful that I had made the decision to go out and buy it. After another two hours, I was able to go and meet my nephew for the first time! I hope he knows I am going to spoil him!