My wife and I don’t usually chat with our HVAC specialist, unless we are explaining part of the problem. We try our best to stay out of the way, when they perform our annual maintenance inspection.This allows them to quickly move through each step of the heating tune-up process. When we had the furnace tune-up performed last month, the HVAC Specialist was especially chatty with both of us. When we started talking, I mentioned how bad our son suffers from allergies. He asked what type of furnace filter we were using. He opened the furnace filter slot, and inspected our brand and style of furnace filter. The HVAC specialist recommended a different air filter for our home. He had the air filter on the HVAC repair truck, and brought it into our home to show us the difference. It was easy to see the difference in mesh patterns, and the new furnace filter came with a money-back guarantee. The new air filter was costly, but the HVAC Specialists gave us the new furnace filter at no cost. He also gave us two additional furnace filters, so we could try them for a three month duration. I’m not sure if these furnace filters will make a significant difference, but it would be wonderful if they do. I would be happy to hear my son sleep soundly through the night. The new furnace filters are twice as much money as our old, flimsy air filters. If they work well, I won’t mind spending that extra money. I’m glad the HVAC Specialists gave us a couple to try for free, so we know if they will work or not.