In university, my buddies as well as I always threw a holiday celebration. Occasionally it would be around Halloween, other times it could get as late as the new year. Once a year though, all of us threw an important bash in the coldest season, but the reason all of us did it when it was frigid was to save on finances, as having a celebration in the Summer for broke university guys is rough… You have a ton of people crammed in a small house as well as the A/C has to accommodate that, and most of the time, people leave the door open to let in a breeze. This would be a massive drain on the house’s already failing cooling system! So what our roommates as well as I did was throw the house celebration when it was frigid out. The immense amounts of people created a lot of body heat. Also, there was dancing as well as drinking, then both of those things are natural heat inducers. Instead of paying for extra cooling, all of us paid for less heating. The bunch of us always turned off the gas furnace for the whole celebration. At first, it was a bit frigid being in the middle of Winter time separate from the gas furnace on. After the celebration got going, people started moving as well as drinking, the heat would naturally grow. It would got warm enough that people would still open the door to let in a breeze. It did not bother me at all since I was not wasting any heating doing this. Smart idea with our heating device right? The natural heat of the people seemed to balance out our whole site just perfectly.