When my youngest son graduated from high school last year, everyone fully expected him to go off to school to enroll in either a fancy arts program or an engineering program. He has the brain of an engineer, and the artistic talent of a gifted musician. When he decided to enroll at our local community college and pursue a heating & a/c certification class instead, I was genuinely surprised – and a little disappointed, honestly! My boy explained to us that he’d thought it over for months, and put a lot of research into the field of heating & a/c. If he became a Heating & Air Conditioning technician, he would never be in need of a job. He could work just about anywhere, for any company, as everyone needs an on-site HVAC mechanic! He also said that he liked the notion of being able to pay for the Heating & Air Conditioning classes as he went along through school. That was preferable to having a large amount of student debt hanging over him when he graduated from school! I thought that was a pretty fantastic reason for choosing Heating & Air Conditioning over engineering, as my son does have a pretty financially sound head on his shoulders. I think he will do fantastic for himself in the Heating & Air Conditioning classes at school. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up owning his own heating & a/c business someday in the future! He told us not to worry about his music work, either – he said that he’s already signed up to play piano in the local orchestra, and he’s taking some composition classes at the same time as his Heating & Air Conditioning certification program. What a talented kid!