I lived in a farmhouse far away from the city and I have so many awesome memories growing up. When I finally attended college when I turned eighteen, I had to make my way to the big city. I really wasn’t looking forward to staying in packed dorm rooms, but I needed to earn my college diploma. The following years of school were miserable to put it lightly. I deeply missed the farm that I knew for many reasons. One of the main reasons being the radiant heated floors throughout the house.I grew up way far up north, and there was no greater feeling than returning home from a cold day of playing in the snow and enjoying the floors while enjoying a nice cup of hot cocoa. Now that I have graduated however, I am on the lookout for a farmhouse of my own. I wish that my parents would have informed me how much a pain the search would be! I had not realized that our farm house was far more new than all of the other ones being sold. Most of the ones I ended up looking into were only equipped with nothing more than a fireplace with a chimney. There was no other means of staying warm in the winter. With the trouble I am having searching for a farm to buy, perhaps my parents will let me purchase the farm off of them, or let me return home!