Spending Thanksgiving at my parents has a ton of upside. First of all, they are much more financially secure than I am, however this means I know I am going to get some fantastic meals. It’s not just the quality of their Turkey or the many sides they prepare either. They are also much better cooks than I am, then when it comes to cooking, I am a heat and serve kind of guy. I might throw on some seasoning and perhaps some kind of garnishment,. When my parents cook, they are involved in their cooking. There is one disadvantage to having Thanksgiving at their house, and that is that they honestly like to run their A/C to epic proportions. I live in a hotter region of the country, so it usually feels fantastic to have their A/C on full blast, at first. However, after an hour or so, I am cold because their thermostat is set so low. I never say anything, of course, because I am a guest in their house, and I know telling them to change their thermostat setting would be wrong. I always hope there is some kind of malfunction with their HVAC system when I arrive, but I think that will never be the case, My parents have an HVAC maintenance plan where a professional air conditioner corporation comes out once a year. I also hope for a cold front as I know that would encourage them to simply open the windows as opposed to running their A/C. I would then be able to wear a sweater when I come over without looking foolish.