My lake house is outfitted with a forced air gas oil furnace, central cooling system, as well as ductwork connected to supply as well as return vents. For the most part, the heating as well as cooling plan is quite effective at maintaining a comfortable temperature. There is a single thermostat which controls the temperature throughout the entire house. My only complaint was the temperature in living room. My fiance as well as I renovated the living room, chopping out a wall to end as well as open up the space. All of us also added some big windows to bring in more light. Due to the windows as well as insufficient number of vents, the living room tended to assume hot as well as sticky in the summertime as well as too frosty during the Winter season. If all of us adjusted the thermostat, all of us either overheated or over-cooled the rest of the house. All of us looked into adding more vents, however the scope as well as cost of the project was far too great. I disliked blocking the view from the current windows with a portable cooling system. I was unwilling to have electric fans blowing dust around while I was preparing food, as well as hated the idea of using space heaters. I started researching permanently installed heating as well as cooling equipment which could be installed into the living room without major renovation. I wanted something fairly attractive, with a slim profile, that would operate quietly. I came across ductless heat pumps, which was the perfect solution. The ductless heat pump combines both heating as well as cooling capacity, is super compact, invaluable to purchase as well as efficient to operate. It operates from a convenient cordless remote as well as has significantly improved comfort in the living room.