Working as a cleaning person for rental units is just as bad as it sounds. These type of jobs The person who starts looking for a summertime job too late in the season usually ends up with what is left over. I was that person! I said I wanted to enjoy my summer first and by the time I started to apply, there weren’t many jobs left in town. Well, the cleaning job is exactly what it sounds like. We go from rental to rental down by the beach doing deep cleaning from all of the people who stayed there on vacation. We have to literally disinfect every single air vent in the entire house, scrub it down and change the air filters. This was the absolute worst job! People use their air conditioning systems way too much when on vacation. The smell in the those air filters was horrific. You could always tell when you walked in the house who broke the non-smoking or no pet rules. Then, once you opened up the filters it was obvious. Not only was the smell and dirt were the worst, we even had to stop and take photos for the owners! Some houses took a lot longer than others did, for those we ended up getting compensated well. At least the owners understood when certain occupants were worse than others. They valued us for having the worst job ever. If we did a great job, we would get a nice tip when we were completely done. I will tell you this, I have gained a lot more respect for my own HVAC plan now. I am more kind than ever to it!