Managing your time is one of the best skills anyone can have, and it’s one thing to be able to time out your afternoon, but to be able to stick to that schedule is the real talent! People with excellent time management skills I really respect, as they seem to get so much more work in a afternoon than I do! They do not really run into the issues I do, like forgetting appointments, however just last week, I had set an appointment with my local heating, ventilation plus air conditioning maintenance contractor. I was dealing with an air conditioning component system that would randomly turn on and off, even when the thermostat was set to “off”, however on top of that, the indoor air quality of my apartment became disappointing over the past few weeks, as well as I suppose the air filter is not to blame. I was excited to see my HVAC maintenance person this past Monday, but life has a tendency to make you forget about things unless they are written on something in the house! The day came and went, then I went to work as I always would. I didn’t realize that I forgot my appointment with the heating, ventilation as well as air conditioning maintenance professional until I came home! I found a note on my front door from the HVAC professional, stating that he came and waited for about an hour before giving up and going back to the office. I felt bad for that HVAC professional having to drive all the way out here for nothing, but hopefully I will not make the same error ever again!