Once a year, my friends and me have a nice of chinese take out and catching up. We plan the night weeks in advance and decline any other offers. Thankfully, Brenda agreed to have all the people over because her place is better setup for entertaining. I knew that she had remodelled the bathroom and installed new woodwork throughout the house. Every single one of us arrived and were enjoying wine for a while, i went to check out the bathroom and I was amazed when I opened the door. They had natural cement flooring as well as it looked like a room right out of a designer magazine. The next thing I observed was the control component thermostat on the wall. My eyes just about popped out of our head when I saw that it said eighty seven degrees. The room felt like a real overheated sauna. I suppose it was Winter time as well as it was cold outside however I couldn’t imagine how anyone would heat the house, or any area of it like that, that high. It would be horribly pricey plus uncomfortable in my humble opinion. When I returned to our friends I couldn’t help however ask. Brenda said that it was only the floor that was eighty seven, not the rest of the room. They had put in radiant heated flooring in so that they would never have to step out onto a cold floor after showering. What she didn’t understand about this whole process is that, because heat rises, the entire room is the same temperature. And that is ungodly awful!