Of all the lessons that my father taught me, I suppose he never gave me the lessons I particularly needed for fatherhood. Though I understand that there isn’t so much parenting as there is caretaking when the baby is less than a year old, however come on! There’s still things I wish I knew… For example, fully understanding when a visit to the emergency room is warranted versus when it is not – that would’ve been great to know! It also would’ve been helpful to be told particular things, regardless of how obvious they may have seemed. See, our kid is only a few months old, but he has gas like a grown man! On top of that, the boy sweats – not just a little either, like a drop of sweat on his forehead when he’s in the sun. He sweats like I do, where any room with awful air circulation or is set to a temperature above seventy degrees will leave him drenched in perspiration. I feel awful for the little guy, as I guess he gets hot like I do. However all I can do for him is keep him in a nice air conditioned space as I would myself. Even now, the little guy only gets great sleep when his bassinet is almost directly under a ventilation shaft for the home’s central heater and AC ductwork. I’ll pick him up from his daycare, where he is kept in a cool, comfortable room, plus secure him in a car seat for his ride home. But within twenty minutes of being in the car, the little guy has pooled sweat on the headrest of his motorcar seat! I wish I could do something for the boy, whether it was to provide him some chilly water or prop him right in front of the air conditioning vent in our lake house with the strongest air circulation. Still, like me, there’s only so much that can be done to keep him cool. Though as long as I can stay on top of air filter changes plus respected AC maintenance visits, my boyfriend and I should be able to keep the boy and plus comfortable as long as he’s in his home!