I am not the biggest fan of winter weather. Where my wife and I live, the climate is very cold about half the year. Winter sports are a popular pastime, and things like hockey and curling are sports that you’ll see played all over our town. I grew up in warm weather, so I am not used to the extreme cold, the dryness, and the low light for half the year. I actually really like to keep the heating system in our house turned up pretty high during those months. My wife is pretty on board with it, but she likes to set a cap around seventy degrees. She’s the one who is the best with budgeting between the two of us, and she feels like keeping the heat any higher is the same as throwing money out the window. Even with seventy degree temperatures inside, she’ll often find me curled up in a blanket or in a bulky sweater. Generally, at that point she makes a joking comment about how big of a baby I am. I just can’t help that I’m sensitive to the cold. Speaking of jokes, she actually bought me a space heater last year as a gift for the holidays as a sort of, ‘you’re always cold, you baby,’ type of joke. I laughed right along with her because no matter what happens, I know for a fact that I don’t like to be cold, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. You know what is really the crazy thing, is that my wife can’t stand the hot weather, and insists on having the air conditioning turned on all summer long. Talk about throwing money out the window…