I’m typically not the type of woman to be impressed by a name. It sincerely doesn’t matter if you have name brand jeans or shoes, or if your handbag is Prada or Gucci. For me, I love to be frugal when it comes to buying things. I don’t mind settling for the off brand or store brand, as long as it is decent quality. There are a few things that I will not buy in generic form though. For instance, I constantly buy Charmin toilet paper. Even though the off brand is so much cheaper in price, I think my butt prefers the softness of Charmin. I also enjoy to buy name brand deodorant. The cheap stuff doesn’t actually last all day, plus I can’t stand the itchy feeling. When I had to substitute our HVAC device last week, I did not know for certain if names were important or not. I did plenty of research to find out if I could get a cheap HVAC device. I spoke with a few professionals plus a few of my friends plus coworkers. I came to understand that all the people were saying the same thing. When it comes to HVAC devices, the name brand certainly does matter. I kept hearing the same three brands all of the time. When I talked with our HVAC representative, I asked about these HVAC devices. They stocked all three, so I had a choice to make. I’m glad that I did the vital research, so I could make an informed decision about our new heating plus cooling device. I think it will make a sizable difference in the utility bills plus our overall comfort as well.