The last time we had a hurricane go through, we didn’t have any electricity for almost a week. We weren’t able to use our washer and dryer, or make any food. The worst thing was needing to go without air conditioning when it was almost ninety degrees out and the humidity was the same. The middle of August is one of the worst times to need to go without air conditioning. During the winter, a lot of things are cheaper when you live in the the south. One of the cheaper things to purchase, is a generator. We talked to the HVAC company about what size generator we needed for our house. Then we went shopping online. We wanted to know exactly what we wanted when we finally got home. I didn’t want someone to talk me into something, just because I was unsure of what I needed. We were able to purchase a generator that would be able to keep our entire house running, for as long as necessary. My dad helped us to wire it in so that it would automatically come on if our power was out for more than one minute. We had a chance to see how well the generator worked, about two weeks ago. We had a really bad series of thunderstorms come through that left our community without power. There were trees down, and no one in our area had electricity. No one but us had electricity. We had air conditioning, lights, and all of our amenities. I wonder if next year, we won’t see some of our neighbors with generators.