The office space needs HVAC

My job recently moved from a really large building to a much smaller building. This was after the latest slew of cutbacks as well as lowering the wages, which is what they call firing people these days, but I am counting my chickens that I still have a task, quite frankly, because the economy has entirely crippled our business. I work in the tech department, so I assume that if they want to let me go it is due to the whole supplier is going under. This may happen faster rather than later, but for now I will just keep doing my job. In the new spaces, I am having a heck of a time with the cooling system, but I don’t want to talk about it. The possibilities of my boss having the money for larger air conditioner repairs are very small, so why even bring it up to him? It isn’t even that the AC itself is bad, it has more to do with all the heating that gets generated in the tech offices. All of us have dozens of monitors as well as PC towers here networked together, as well as the added heating is just small of being the temperature of a roaring furnace. I have to spend most of my morning in this office, as well as I can barely even feel the cooling system. I brought in some portable AC to help the air circulation, but that has not stopped the high levels of heating.

HVAC tune up