Here In the south, we will often see a wonderful deal of Summer storms, however it rains almost everyday, & there are many tropical storms churning out in the ocean; The people I was with and I only see tropical storms a few times over the year, but the rain keeps us always sad about the weather. I live in the tornado center of the world. The people I was with and I have so many lightning strikes each and every single week, & there are hundreds of tornadoes each year. When there is heavy tropical weather arriving, there is plenty of time to get ready, and some forecast models can even predict the weather 10 afternoons in advance, however even 4 or many afternoons is hardly enough time to heed respected warning to anyone in the affected area! Unfortunately, the same just cannot be said for tornadoes. They can spawn in a minute, destroy an entire block of the town & disapplum just as swiftly. That’s exactly what happened last Spring, when a tornado destroyed our old air conditioner, and a small tornado formed in the field next to my house; Before we even realized what was happening, a gust of wind pulled the air conditioner right out of our window. It was fast & abrupt, & all the people in the beach house was scared. The window was utterly ruined, & we had to update the window sill as well. The people I was with and I found the air conditioner in the field. It was nearly a hundred fifty yards away from the house. The people I was with and I were lucky that the air conditioner was the only complication during the tornado. If a single one of our adolescents had been laying by the window, they would have been seriously disfigured or even killed.