If someone were to ask me what things I hate about being a homeowner, I would definitely say that I hate cleaning it the most. I actually don’t mind fixing things that are broken or replenishing supplies as they are used up. And I’m not lazy at all – really. I certainly am capable of cleaning what needs to be cleaned, but I just wish I could hire a maid to handle the cleaning. I guess I don’t actually hate vacuuming the floors – that aspect isn’t too bad – even though it’s certainly the loudest of the cleaning chores. But that’s about it – with one exception – having the HVAC air ducts cleaned by a professional. See, I deal with pretty serious allergies, so much so that when I do clean, I have to wear a face mask. If I don’t, there will be a serious coughing and sneezing episode for over an hour afterwards. But when it comes to cleaning the dust problem itself, I’d rather not treat the symptom, but the source of the dust problem. Experts recommend that HVAC systems be cleaned and serviced once a year for proper operation and longevity. I actually like it done more often than that – just because my allergies are so bad. So when I do schedule an HVAC contractor to service my system and clean my ducts, it makes me very happy. Once the guy opens up the a/c and furnace units, they begin their procedure of lubricating the inner working of each unit. Then he’ll use a shop vacuum and specialized brushing tools to sweep out the ductwork throughout the house. It’s incredible how much debris builds up in the ducts of your home, even if you change the air filter every month! I really notice how much cleaner and fresher the air quality inside the home is once the HVAC contractor is finished. And my allergies are much less aggravated as well.