There is this aisle in the new home improvement stores that I have fallen in love with. It’s fairly new to stores plus it’s the area with all the “smart” new home gadgets. Lights, temperature, cameras, you name it plus it can now all be controlled by the touch of your phone. The method of controlling the heating and cooling thermostat via my cell phone is easily appealing to me; I see several uses for this ability. My hubby regularly raises the temperature on our cooling system when he leaves for work. This is not a concern since we leave roughly at the same time each afternoon. However, I get home much earlier than he does. I would love to walk into our home after work that’s either cool or warm, depending on my preference. I am sure it would not take much to make this adjustment to my heating and A/C unit. The “smart” aisle in the store makes it look so easy. My other reason is somewhat nefarious… See, I have a teenager that prefers to sleep into the afternoon. I’ve never had the chance to experience the heating or cooling the house to an unbearable condition since I would be there too. With a smart thermostat, I could rest at my desk in my cool office section plus by noon have my new home heated to ninety degrees in June. Would that wake a teenager? I’ve heard that cooler temperatures help induce sleep, so I would stay away from making it cooler on the smart thermostat. I wonder if a furnace and air conditioning maintenance provider has any experience with this?