My fiance in addition to I just went out and got a puppy. I personally was against it from the start f the whole plan because I assume how much labor they are. The people I was with and I also have a much older pet who I had before I met my fiance. I keep having to go and personally deal with the puppy at night because I labor while in the afternoon every day in addition to my fiance has the opposite schedule, so while I’m working, she is on duty while in the afternoon. At night the outdoor air temperature drops so low, even though it’s Spring, that I come back inside again from letting the puppy out in addition to I’m frozen stiff. I’ve now started turning the heating plan on at night just because of it. Well, unfortunately I also forget to turn it off again, in addition to the outdoor temperature while in the afternoon has been getting well into the sixties each day. My fiance keeps reminding me to turn off the Heating & Air Conditioning before I try leave in the afternoon, but I’m so exhausted from getting up 3 times at least while in the night to let the pet out that I have no presence of mind that early in the day for something appreciate that, in addition to I forget each and every time. I assume it’s money we particularly shouldn’t be wasting, but the only foreseeable alternative to turning the heat on is that I have to get completely bundled up and dressed every time I get up to take the pet out! Or we can get rid of the dog.