A few months ago my house was really out of hand. I do this thing over and over again where I collect up a ton of what I consider “treasure” through my escapades at thrift stores and craigslist. After a few months or years of bringing back my hoards of excellent finds, my house starts to look more like a thrift store than my own home. I run out of places to put all my cool stuff, and soon I find myself having to make a giant purge of all my excess belongings. At that point, it’s no holds barred. I pretty much run through the house throwing things out, and indiscriminately discarding all my treasured belongings. That’s why this year I decided to do the right thing and throw a yard sale to get rid of my junk. I thought it through, and took my time planning out the whole event. The thing I didn’t consider was how hot and sunny it would be outside for my big sale. From the time I opened my sale at 9am, the air was already hot and thick with humidity. By 11am the air temperature had risen well beyond 90 degrees, with over 80% humidity. I was dying for some sort of indoor air conditioning relief, but couldn’t leave my belongings sitting on the lawn unattended! I tried to bring out a bunch of box fans, but the air flow didn’t improve the outdoor air quality whatsoever. Then I attempted to watch over the yard sale from the safety of my indoor central cooling, but soon got distracted. Long story short, my yard sale soon devolved into a craigslist posting for free stuff on my lawn, so I could enjoy my AC indoors.